define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Scripts n Styles update 2.0.1 – unFocus Projects – Kevin Newman and Ken Newman

Scripts n Styles update 2.0.1

Scripts n Styles is a tool to allow admins to add scripts and styles without editing template files, or worrying about authors overwriting the code.

Scripts n Styles is a tool to allow admins (and editors in single installs) to add scripts and styles without editing template files, or worrying about authors overwriting the code (code is stripped when an author updates since they don’t have permission to use unfiltered html).

Improvements in version 2.0.1:

The meta box has been improved to provide a tabbed interface for less clutter, and syntax highlight and formating is added using the open-source CodeMirror 2.1.

An option has been added to allow adding script to the head element in addition to the traditional bottom of the page spot.

An Options page (under Tools) has been added so you can add Script n Styles to the entire site, rather then just the individual posts and pages.

Some minor code improvements:

  • Better selection of post_types.
  • micro-optimization for storage of class names.
  • Defined a later priority for Scripts n Styles to print after other scripts and styles.
  • Better adherence to coding standards.
  • began contextual help (notes on capabilities).

Author: Kenneth Newman

Some of my profiles around the web: Twitter, github,, Google

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