As you may have heard, Adobe recently released the first beta of Flash Player 10. It looks like unFocus.FlashPlayerInfo has been checking for single version digits, rather than multiple:
[cc lang=’javascript’ ]
_versionRaw.match(/Shockwave Flash (\d)\.(\d)/);
The fix is easy enough (I could swear I actually fixed this at one point too):
[cc lang=’javascript’ ]
_versionRaw.match(/Shockwave Flash (\d+)\.(\d+)/);
This problem doesn’t seem to be limited to just the unFocus Flash Detection script. I’ve seen other claims of failed Flash detection in other corners as well. I’d bet most of the problems are with the plugin detection scripts (Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, etc.) and not with the ActiveX detection scripts (Internet Explorer), since most of the plugin detection scripts out there are using string parsing techniques, and have probably not tested with multiple digit Flash versions (since there haven’t been any until now).
I’ll see about getting a release out soon. If anyone needs any help updating anything, feel free to leave a comment, or email me.