define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Mosso – unFocus Projects – Kevin Newman and Ken Newman

ResponseEncoding in IIS7 for static html files in web.config

I couldn’t find any way to set ResponseEncoding in IIS7 for static html files in web.config.

The system.web setting using globalization doesn’t seem to fit anywhere in system.webServer like it seems like it should (someone please let me know if there is a way to do that).

Anyway, I did find a way to sort of shove it in there:

[cc lang=’xml’]


Correct User IP for WordPress comments on Mosso

Update #2: It looks like a couple of days after I posted this, the Mosso guys sent word on fresh clicks that the issue has been fixed on their end, rendering this plugin completely useless, days after I put it up. 🙂

I stumbled across a problem running WordPress on Mosso (Rackspace Clould) servers (which I’m now quite happily running on 🙂 ) in the Mosso Knowledge Base, where the ip address of the user is not properly recorded in comments when running in the Mosso cluster. The knowledge based linked to a fresh clicks article, but I wanted something a little easier to maintain than an inline hack. So I rolled a quick and dirty plugin, which seems to do the trick. Here is what it does:

[cc lang=’php’]
< ?php /* Plugin Name: unFocus.Mosso-User-IP Plugin URI: Description: A plugin to set REMOTE_ADDR on Mosso clusters to HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP to fix tracking and comment posts, etc. Version: 1.0a Author: Kevin Newman Author URI: */ function unFocus_MossoUserIP() { $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP']; } add_action('init', 'unFocus_MossoUserIP'); ?>

That’s it! It just sets the regular REMOTE_ADDR value to the Mosso Server var HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP. Pretty simple. 🙂 Update: I forgot to upload a zip archive.