define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Contact – unFocus Projects – Kevin Newman and Ken Newman


You can email me here: CaptainN (or Kevin), the at symbol, then unfocus period etc. Thanks!

If you’d like to contact me for any reason, please do so with the form below. This will send me an email, so be sure to provide a correct email that I can respond to. This form is checked by Akismet.

[contact-form 1 “Contact form 1”]

4 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. I’m seeing a ~500 line cutoff in the scripts area. Is this by design?
    (I’m moving a hand-built js-based map from raw HTML to WP, and I have more code to move….) for the original site, see


    1. I haven’t encountered the limit, and no, it’s not by design. It’s possibly a CodeMirror limitation, or some other technical barrier. I’ll have to take some time and figure out what might cause that.

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