Someone asked how to store a key value pair in HistoryKeeper recently, and this was my answer.
History Keeper does not provide any state management features beyond the information you store on the actual deep link (URL hash). However, you should be able to use the deep link information to grab the data you need out of a standard JS object (using it like a hash table):
[cc lang=”javascript”]
var storage = {
“/”: {
key: “home value”
“/about”: {
key: “about value”
Once you have your values stored like that you can use the storage object to lookup your chunk of data by the deep link string:
[cc lang=”javascript”]
function onHistoryChange(hash) {
unFocus.History.addEventListener(‘historyChange’, onHistoryChange);
You can make the “value” as deep as you want ( key: {more: “complex”} ), I only used a simple string for demonstration purposes.
This example is JavaScript, but the concepts are the same for Actionscript as well.
I hope that helps!