define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Testing the WordPress iPhone app – unFocus Projects – Kevin Newman and Ken Newman

Testing the WordPress iPhone app

Just testing the iPhone app. Seems pretty spiffy. Can’t manage plugins and whatnot but that’s ok. This is pretty good for posting on the go. It supports landscape typing too. 🙂

For fun (and for testing I attached some pics of some cool clouds that rolled right accross the road on the way into work one day). It was fun watching that.

No rich text editor. That’s a significant shortcoming.

Author: Kevin Newman

I'm the lead developer at adcSTUDIO located in Kingston NY (in Livingston Manor NY before that). I do all kinds of things there, from robust server side work to the much more enjoyable client side development in HTML/JavaScript/Flash (RIAs, HTML5, etc.) and all the other tech-buzz-phrases of the moment. My brother came up with the idea for which was originally meant be a place to discuss and blog about whatever topics we both found interesting, from politics to technology, to art and design. Time was scarce, and I need a place to host History Keeper, and unFocus Projects - a sub focus of was born, and eventually migrated to the font page. Oh, and I'm on Twitter (@Touvan) and Google+.

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