define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); MIT License for unFocus.History Keeper – unFocus Projects – Kevin Newman and Ken Newman

MIT License for unFocus.History Keeper

I have decided that LGPL is overkill for a tiny project like unFocus.HistoryKeeper (and friends) – so I changed it to MIT. LGPL would have been a pain for anyone selling or using a commercial product with history keeper, and I really don’t think the code is substantial enough to be such a headache. But now that’s not a problem! MIT is a better fit I think.

The change has already been reflected on the Google Code page, and in the newest release archive.

Author: Kevin Newman

I'm the lead developer at adcSTUDIO located in Kingston NY (in Livingston Manor NY before that). I do all kinds of things there, from robust server side work to the much more enjoyable client side development in HTML/JavaScript/Flash (RIAs, HTML5, etc.) and all the other tech-buzz-phrases of the moment. My brother came up with the idea for which was originally meant be a place to discuss and blog about whatever topics we both found interesting, from politics to technology, to art and design. Time was scarce, and I need a place to host History Keeper, and unFocus Projects - a sub focus of was born, and eventually migrated to the font page. Oh, and I'm on Twitter (@Touvan) and Google+.

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