define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Comments on: unFocus.History Keeper 2.0 Beta 1 – Out Now! Home of Scripts 'n Styles for WordPress, Backstage2D and History Keeper! Tue, 27 Oct 2009 22:39:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Fri, 20 Jul 2007 19:51:17 +0000 Hi AleksLA,

I’m always ready to see some code that might help people out, and this package is missing quite a bit on the application side of things. At this point, the unFocus stuff is a set of tools that others can use to build out their own frameworks. So I’m always happy to see others make frameworks that work with the this stuff (that’s actually why I made it so modular).

Just a note, a big reason for why I have never produced a HistoryManager kind of class, is that I haven’t had the time with all my regular development work (usually on other platforms) to figure out exactly what that kind of class should do. After getting the new adcSTUDIO website up though, I have a pretty good idea, and even the beginnings of a class.

I’d love to see what you have in mind with though. 🙂

BTW, feel free to post to the forum ( if that’s more convenient (the server email issues that have been plaguing this site should be over, so it should be possible to register again).

Finally, to answer your actual question, yes, I don’t have plans to change the communication stuff very much, since it doesn’t make much sense to continue it’s development now that ExternalInterface is around and well supported. That said, I’m not going to specifically discontinue it or anything, as I like it better than the other Flash Player 7 and lower solutions (and there seems to be plenty of platforms that only support up to Player 7).


Kevin N.

By: AleksLA Fri, 20 Jul 2007 18:26:27 +0000 is the communication always going to be using the unFocusHistoryUpdate property in the root of flash ?
if so I can help and easy make a class called HistoryManager which will handle the saving and loading of the states.
So if you have idea if the communication between flash and javascript will be on the way it currently is let me know. I will appreciate it.
